Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How Conservatives are Helping ISIS Win the Syrian Refugee Crisis

The Bottom Line:

By giving credibility to the wildly unlikely claim that any statistically significant portion of the three million Syrian refugees are ISIS sleeper cell members, conservatives are helping ISIS in their goal of terrorizing the American people.

Over the past week an increasing number of conservative governors have announced that they will not allow any Syrian refugees to settle in their states, allegedly to prevent a national security crisis; a move which most immigration attorneys maintain will not hold up. If however, the assertion that a large number of these refugees were actually radical jihadists was a valid one, it could be argued that the governors were at least acting in the best interest of their citizens in attempting to block resettlement even if it isn’t legally feasible. So let us first examine why that argument doesn’t hold water. Firstly, being an organization consisting of roughly 30,000 members ISIS could send out every single one of their followers and still only account for one percent of the refugees seeking asylum. Then you have to account for the fact we are only taking in a few thousand of the three million refugees, meaning the odds of a sizable portion being part of that non-existent one percent is incredibly small. And then, assuming even that highly unlikely situation, that some of them did make it to the vetting process, they would have to pass the vetting process. At that point you have to believe that they would be able to make it passed the vetting process without the refugee crisis considering the extra scrutiny these refugees are being put under prior to their entry, making the decision to block those in actual need of a safe haven obviously unjustifiable.

          After discounting the national security aspect of the conversation, you have to look at where the claims that any real number of these Syrian refugees are ISIS sleeper agents originate, which happens to be ISIS themselves. Why would ISIS give away their master plan? The answer is they haven’t. They have however, by making that statement, simultaneously terrified the citizens of western nations and inflicted more pain on the refugees whom they have already driven out of their homes. It is also possible ISIS hopes to recruit from these refugees who have done everything right but are turned away from the United States for no reason other than the color of their skin and their religion. How could that not make them angry? It plays right into the terrorist propaganda that portrays the United States as an essentially greedy nation, that only sticks by its ideals when it is convenient. So much for welcoming the huddled masses. But the republican governors aren’t stupid. More than likely they know that there is no significant danger in letting in the refugees. So why are they taking ISIS at their word? Easy, it benefits their political positions. Close the borders and bomb the Middle East. It plays incredibly well with their constituents, and if you don’t believe me then watch last Tuesdays GOP debate and listen to the applause the candidates get when it comes to both of those issues. And the price won’t be theirs to pay, it’ll be paid in the blood of refugees who die attempting to flee.


NOTE: The higher estimates of ISIS troop strength are from largely unreliable sources, either ISIS themselves or Kurd leaders who stand to benefit from this exaggeration in the form of  increased aid and a higher likelihood of intervention.

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